From time to time I like to revisit websites that we’ve developed. For many of our clients, we design and develop the site and “hand the keys” over to them once it’s up and running. Not too long ago, I visited a site that I noticed had garbled text in place of the text that was supposed to be there. My mind immediately jumped to the fact that the site must have been compromised by hackers. I fired off an email to my contact letting them know of the situation. Fortunately, this story has a happy ending that came without too much hair pulling. They were able to restore the site fairly quickly with no adverse effects.
Unfortunately, not all hacked websites are restored as quickly and stress-free. Hacking combines elements of online vandalism and theft. Often files are infected to propagate malware or direct visitors to questionable websites. Here are our five tips to implement immediately to help keep your website secure.
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